State moving quickly to improve Ga. 365 intersection where 5 died in a two-vehicle collision recently

The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) today issued an invitation to qualified prospective bidders to submit a quote for a Traffic Operation Quick Response Project in Habersham County.

It calls for the construction of a Restricted U Turn (RCUT) at State Route 365 and Mt. Zion Road. Bids must be received no later than Aug. 21 at 2:00 p.m.

Those killed in the July 16 crash included the family of a Hall County sheriff’s deputy – his wife and two young children.

As soon as word got out about the accident, social media lit up with calls for state and local officials to do whatever necessary to improve the intersection as well as others along the busy four-lane. Some called for turning it into an interstate-style road with interchanges instead of crossroads. And there was a meeting in Clarkesville involving state and local officials to brainstorm ideas for safety improvements.

So, what, exactly is a Traffic Operation Quick Response Project? GDOT defines it this way:

“Quick Response (QR) Projects are typically operational improvement type projects, safety or maintenance, and cannot exceed $199,999.99 in total cost (see O.G.C.A. 32-2-61). Requests for a Quick Response (QR) Project, through the Negotiated Contract method, originate (typically) from the District Engineer.

Once the need for a project is identified by the District Office, the District staff complete the Project Request Form and Estimate Approval Package and forward to the Local Grants Office for review and further action.”

(Pictured: example of RCUT intersection. Federal Highway Administration photo)