Click here for the latest information from the Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC): GFC-Leaf-Watch-Report-10252023.pdf ( (GFC…
Dawson Co.: Child porn arrest
Dawson County authorities recently arrested and charged Jason Bouchez with Sexual Exploitation of Children. During…
HCSO: Phone scam
HALL CO. SHERIFF’S OFFICE FACEBOOK POSTING: “In the last 24 hours, we have received multiple…
Vulcan donates $250K to Dahlonega hospital
Vulcan Materials Company recently designated $250,000 in support of Northeast Georgia Medical Center (NGMC) Lumpkin…
Xmas on Green St.: Some changes planned this year
Gainesville’s holiday tradition, Christmas on Green Street, returns this year but with a few changes.…
HCSO: Kids’ noisy music = Shots fired
HALL CO. SHERIFF’S OFFICE (HCSO) NARRATIVE: “Mr. (Michael Steven) Silvey was arrested at his residence…
Dog rescued from house fire
HALL CO. FIRE RESCUE NEWS RELEASE: “At approximately 8:15 a.m. on October 26th, Hall County…
Lucile Carter Memorial Media Center & a local judge changes his mind
*Friends, family, current and former Gainesville school employees and officials were among those who gathered…
Dahlonega State Sen.: many congressional, state legislative districts may have to be redrawn
A federal judge has ruled that Georgia voting maps are discriminatory. Georgia News Network reports…
Hall commissioners vote to begin co-op agreement on three federal parks
The Hall County Board of Commissioners voted Thursday to begin the process of entering into…