Warmest week of the year ahead?

If predictions hold, this will be the warmest week of an already unusually hot summer in our area and the rest of Geogia.

The National Weather Service (NWS) says highs by midweek in the Gainesville area will likely approach triple digits (mid- to upper-90s expected Monday-Friday) with heat indexes well-above the 100-degree mark. Tuesday is likely to be the warmest day with a high of 99 predicted.

Meanwhile, places such as Americus, Athens, Dublin, and Atlanta are likely to hit 100 on Tuesday while Columbus records a 102 and Macon 101. Columbus is expected to be even warmer on Wednesday – 104, then 101 on Thursday and 102 Friday.

And it will be a dry week, too, with no significant rainfall expected for another 7-10 days.