Another online extortion case

For at least the third time this year, Hall County authorities are reporting a case of online extortion or attempted extortion involving men and women that they say they met online.

The latest incident was reported Thursday and reportedly occurred a day earlier.

“The victim made an in-person report at HCSO headquarters about a woman he met online trying to extort money out of him,” a sheriff’s office spokeswoman said. “The report indicates the woman transposed the victim’s face onto a sexually-explicit photo and threatened to share the photo with the victim’s friends and family if he did not wire money to her.”

The man did not send any payments.

EARLIER STORY. POSTED MAY 25: The Hall County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) says a man reports being bilked out of $2,000 by a woman he met on Facebook. “The two exchanged explicit photos with one another and she threatened to send the photos to the victim’s family if he did not pay her. He sent money to a Zell account,” according to a statement from the sheriff’s office. As of Friday, no arrest had been made. This is the second such report the sheriff’s office has taken in a little over a week. EARLIER STORY. POSTED MAY 15: $30K extortion attempt (