Mail thieves hit S. Hall church as one sheriff’s dept. issues mail theft warning

*Georgia News Network reports the Colquitt County Sheriff’s Office is putting out a reminder about the dangers of mailing checks when paying bills or anything else. The county reports a staggering number of instances where checks have been stolen, bleached, had the name changed and cashed.  The sheriff’s office recommends paying bills online, using an app or even going and paying bills in person when possible.  
Speaking of mail thieves, closer to home, we don’t know if any checks were involved but a staff member at Chestnut Mountain Church reported the mailbox at the church had been pried open and was empty. She told the responding deputy she had been at the church on Sunday and did not notice the damage. The contents of the mailbox were unknown.

*And also from the local police beat – be careful who you rear-end out there. A motorist reported to the Hall County Sheriff’s Office Monday that he was traveling north on West Ridge Road at the intersection with E.E. Butler Parkway when the vehicle in front of him came to a quick stop. He hit the back of the other vehicle. The driver of the other vehicle got out of the vehicle and began demanding money. When that driver said he was going to call law enforcement, the other driver fled the scene in their (report did not say if the other driver was male or female) vehicle. There were no injuries, according to the Hall County Sheriff’s Office.