Hall, Jackson partner on new public safety radio system

Hall County has expanded its communications through a partnership with Jackson County Public Safety and its new radio system, making Hall County a regional radio system provider.

“Hall County values the relationships of our neighboring communities, and this new public safety radio system is merely one way for us to collaborate to better serve our citizens and continue setting the standard for excellent local government services,” Chairman Richard Higgins with the Hall County Board of Commissioners said. “With the growth rate of both Hall and Jackson counties, this is an invaluable partnership and a much needed effort.”

Utilizing Hall County’s core radio system, Jackson County Emergency Services has expanded its radio services with recent upgrades to its public safety radio system. Both counties now share the cost of maintaining Hall County’s core server, which provides expanded radio services to Hall County at no additional cost, while providing more reliable and improved services throughout Jackson County and its school systems. 

“This is a win-win for both counties,” Jackson County Emergency Services Director Bryan Bullock said. “This allows each county to use the other’s radio system, which will be especially valuable in times of crisis, like an ice storm or hurricane, where radio systems could be subject to outages. We can serve as each other’s backup because, at the end of the day, we’re all on the same team in service to citizens.”

With the upgraded system, Hall and Jackson counties’ public safety departments will be able to communicate directly with one another, which will better serve both communities in times of crisis and mutual aid scenarios.

“We are looking forward to serving both communities through this new radio system,” Hall County Emergency Management and Homeland Security Director Zach Brackett said. “It comes with a peace of mind knowing our neighbors are just as excited as we are to provide our citizens with an additional layer of security.”

The upgraded radio system will be live this month and rolled out at an official ceremony on August 22 in Jackson County.