GoFund account set up for injured firefighter


“On August 30, 2022 Lt. Harold Fraser sustained a line-of-duty injury resulting in a distal tip/fib fracture involving the ankle. His injury required surgery and kept him out of work at the fire department for several months. After his initial injury he only received 66% of his HCFR pay with Workers’ Comp.

As with most firefighters, Harold also had a second job to support his family. He earned a significant part of his income from his contracting work. Since the injury, he has lost all of this income and has not been able to return to contracting.

Harold is still suffering from this disability and has been in physical therapy for several months. After failing to regain his mobility, he required a second surgery on July 26, 2023. Since his second surgery he has had post-op complications and has needed additional treatments for his ankle. He continues to undergo testing directly related to his injury and anticipates a third surgery.

He currently works odd jobs for HCFR. Due to his contracting work being on hold, he has lost a significant amount of his take-home pay. With the possibility that he will not be able to return to active duty or his contracting work in the near future, we are reaching out to the community for a helping hand.”