Enhanced Covid-19 booster, RSV vaccine available in NE Georgia this fall

A new and upgraded COVID-19 booster is coming this fall, joining the ongoing battle against the changing COVID-19 variants and providing improved protection against the current circulating strains of the virus.

Projected to become available by late September, the Gainesville-based District 2 Public Health Department is trying to get the word out and is optimistic that most children and adults will meet the eligibility criteria for this updated vaccine, emphasizing that at-risk individuals stand to benefit significantly from it.

Additionally, there is a new vaccine for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) scheduled to become available mid-fall.  It is designed for adults aged 60 years and older. RSV, a common and contagious virus, often presents mild symptoms like the common cold. However, for older adults and those with certain underlying medical conditions, RSV can lead to severe and even life-threatening infections, according to health officials.

And, of course, flu season is just around the corner, and this year’s vaccine will be available at all health departments starting September 1, with drive-thru flu clinics later in the month. Keep an eye out for dates, times, and places.