Oakwood: Obscene material distribution charge

A 30-year-old man was being held in the Hall County Jail without bond early Wednesday afternoon after being arrested by Oakwood Police on charges of Obscene Material Distribution Depicting Nudity/Sexual Conduct.

Detective Sgt. Stewart Webb said Wednesday the victim came to his office a couple if weeks ago to file a report regarding a man who texted a picture of his genitalia to her phone.


“The victim (said) that she had applied for a job at (a local plant) and was able to get a friend to pass her number to someone that worked there to check on the status of her application. 

An employee reached out to the victim through text messaging and told her that he would check on her application. He identified himself as being Cody Allen. 

Cody Allen then started flirting with the victim and asking for a picture of her. He then sent unsolicited nude pictures of himself… The victim immediately reported the incident to Police. 

Through our investigation, we were able to identify Cody Allen (Sg. Webb said).

A photographic line-up including a known photo of Cody Allen was presented to the victim. She was able to pick him out…as being the person that sent her the nude pictures.”

At that time, an arrest warrant was issued for Allen, and he was picked up. Records show he was booked into the jail Tuesday morning.