2023 shaping up to be hottest year on record in Ga.

This year is still on pace to be one of the warmest on record in Georgia. Georgia News Network reports numbers from NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) show the average temperature of 67.8 between January and August is the second-hottest since record-keeping began nearly 130 years ago.  

As we reported earlier, this summer in Georgia, June-August, was the hottest on record and the first five months of the year were unusually warm, as well. Temperatures in Gainesville this summer were almost two degrees above normal for two of the three months. The National Weather Service’s (NWS) climate summaries for July and August show each with average highs that were 1.8 degrees above normal. June, on the other hand, was 2.2. degrees cooler than usual.

Nationwide, NOAA reports the average U.S. temperature for the first eight months of 2023 was 55.6 degrees F — 1.8 degrees above the 20th-century average — ranking as the 13th-warmest such YTD (year-to-date) in the climate record. Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi ranked warmest on record while Alabama, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland and Massachusetts each ranked second warmest for the January–August period.

Click here to read NOAA’s full report U.S. saw its 9th-warmest August on record | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (noaa.gov)