Three area towns receive state infrastructure loans totaling $24M+

Ten Georgia communities – including Commerce, Cornelia, and Jefferson – have been awarded financing totaling $50,2 million for water, wastewater, and sewer projects by the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) board of directors.

Commerce is getting $12 million to finance construction of a new two million gallons per day (MGD) wastewater treatment plant and Cornelia $4.5 million to pay for replacing three existing pumps at the Hazel Creek raw water intake and the installation of water main to alleviate hydraulic constriction in the system and provide necessary fire flow. Jefferson’s share is eight million dollars to finance construction of the Parks Creek Reservoir, which has been in the planning stages for more than two decades and is now ready for construction. 

You can read more about each of these projects and see where the rest of the $50.2 million is going by clicking here: Georgia communities receive infrastructure loans totaling $50.3 million | Georgia Environmental Finance Authority