T-SPLOST forum planned for Lula next month


“Hall County Administrator Zach Propes will give an informational presentation on Transportation SPLOST (Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax) on Monday, Oct. 7, at 6 p.m. at the Lula Train Depot located at 5911 Wall St.

“I want to invite the public to join me to learn more about Transportation SPLOST ahead of the General Election in November so they can make an informed decision when it comes time to vote,” Propes said. “This will also serve as a great opportunity for citizens to come with any questions they might have about Transportation SPLOST.”

The presentation will include a PowerPoint and video on the Transportation SPLOST proposed projects and funding, as well as time for questions and discussions with the County Administrator.

To learn more about Transportation SPLOST, visit hallcounty.org. For questions leading up to the presentation, please email [email protected].”