Spartanburg, S.C., is considering a change in the way it handles public transit and is looking at Gainesville’s WeGo system as a possible, well, “way to go.”
Over the past decade, the number of annual riders on Spartanbug’s bus system dropped by 50 percent, from 513,430 riders in 2013 to 256,358 riders in 2022, according to data from the Federal Transit Administration.
But the buses’ annual mileage has remained relatively flat, Assistant City Manager Kevin Limehouse told the Spartanburg Post and Courier recently, resulting in an increasingly inefficient operation.
Recently, a delegation from Spartanburg visited Gainesville, according to the Post and Courier, to learn more about the WeGo system. The city’s main problem, they found, is that the service is almost too popular. That’s what Phillipa Lewis Moss, who manages the system told them.
You can read more about the Spartanburg public transit system and the officials’ visit to Gainesville here: Spartanburg explores microtransit option similar to Uber | Spartanburg News |