*Qualifying will begin Monday for a special Lula City Council election. The election to fill a District 3 vacancy on the council will be held May 21. Qualifying will take placed Monday through Wednesday, 8:30-4:30 each day at city hall. The post has been vacate since Gene Bramlett was removed from office by the city council late last year. At first, Bramlett said he would appeal the council’s decision but later said he had decided not to.
*Northeast Georgia Healthy System (NGHS) will host a Robotic Surgery Health Fair in downtown Gainesville Feb. 24 – and members of the public will have a chance to “test drive” the da Vinci Surgical System while getting a first-hand look at the technology and meeting the surgeons who use it. It’s free and giveaways and a door prize will be offered. Learn more here: https://events.nghs.com/event/robotic_surgery_health_fair