Despite revised plans for a west Gainesville subdivision that reduce the number of proposed housing units by more than half the original number, there is still opposition from some people living in the area.
Weekley Homes now proposes a 229-lot single-family home development with no villas or condominiums on the 120-acre site at McEver and Gould roads. That compares to 507 units as originally planned. Villias and condominiums were a part of those plans. The Gainesville Planning and Appeals Board (GPAB) will consider the new plan when it meets January 9.
But residents of Waters Edge Subdivision, which is adjacent to the site of Weekley’s proposed development, have submitted a 113-signature petition in opposition to the request.
The development has been on the GPAB’s agenda before but was tabled.
Also on the agenda is another “repeat” item – a mixed-use development at Jesse Jewell Parkway and Scotland Avenue on two lots where L&K Cafeteria and an auto repair shop once stood.
For more information about each of these requests, including the Waters Edge petition, and other items on the agenda, click here: Planning & Appeals Board Meeting • AGENDAS & MINUTES • CivicClerk