Online sting nabs child sex suspect

A Jefferson police officer who is also assigned as a task force member with the GBI’s Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Unit recently was contacted by and began an ongoing conversation on social media with a man who identified himself as Esteban Arriaza.  That conversation eventually led to Arriaza’s arrest on two child sex-related charges.


“(The officer) identified himself, in his undercover capacity, as an underage female (and) during the next few days, photographs, not of an explicit nature, and phone numbers were exchanged. 

Subsequently, though, the conversation turned explicit with the adult wanting to perform oral sexual acts and then take the virginity of the underage female.  A meeting was set up for them to go on a date. 

At approximately 1:00 a.m. Monday morning, June 24th the adult male showed up at an unspecified location in the City of Jefferson with the intent to have sex with an underage female.  When the subject appeared at the location a traffic stop ensued, and the subject was arrested without incident.  


Esteban Arriaza

31yoa male


Enticing a Child For Indecent Purposes

Criminal Attempt to Commit Child Molestation

The investigation is still active, and further charges may be pending.”