Nearly 100-unit housing development planned in Dahlonega

A multi-family housing development that would contain 88 units is on the drawing board in Dahlonega and the city’s planning commission will consider the proposal April 1. That’s when a public hearing will be held on a rezoning request for 16 acres on Hamp Mill Road, according to city documents.

“The Crown, LLC on behalf of property owners, Henry W. and Angie M. Bennett and agent, J.R. Johnson request to rezone…(the property) from R-1: Single-family Residential District, B-1 Neighborhood Business District; and R-3 Multiple-family Residential District to R-2.” Plans call for the construction of a “multiple-family Residential District for the construction of up to and not to exceed 88 multi-family dwelling units.”

The commission’s recommendation will be forwarded to the city council which will hold a public hearing on the proposal April 21.