Gainesville teen charged with Forsyth shooting; previewing Thurs. Flowery Branch council meeting

*A 17-year-old from Gainesville has been charged with a shooting in Forsyth County Saturday night. It happened on Bethel Road. Eric Alonso Hernandez is charged with Aggravated Assault with a Gun, according to jail records. The victim was shot in the ankle, according to Stacie Miller, spokeswoman for the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office, who adds Hernandez was arrested later that evening in Gainesville.

*Flowery Branch appears ready to move ahead with the next phase of downtown redevelopment and creation of the post of Human Resources Director which is budgeted for in the FY2024 budget. Both items are on the agenda for Thursday’s city council meeting. You can get more information by accessing the meeting agenda here 7864a714-2c47-45fb-a1de-c9c8e1d21f20-8a7c3c74-303a-4a6e-aaf9-5d7ff405cd9f-1693936813.pdf (