LLA riprap project running ahead of schedule

The Lake Lanier Association’s (LLA) Project Armor is running ahead of schedule, according to the group’s president, and is on target to finish this year as planned

“I am so excited about the progress that has been made to date as we are running ahead of our original projected schedule,” Todd Baxter says. “Those of you spending time on the water this time of year can see the Project Armor results firsthand! However, we still have a lot of work left to do, and approximately 20% of our overall project is yet to be funded. We are going to need to continue to focus on fundraising to complete the project as scheduled in 2025.”

Project Armor is a LLA initiative designed to help protect the lake’s shoreline “for generations to come” by preventing erosion from wave action and other causes. It’s also is expected to prevent a buildup of sediment in the water.  

Skip Short, the LLA board member helping to oversee the work, says “Project Armor will provide riprap to 16 areas with over 8,000 tons of stone. To put that in perspective, that is around 500 large dump trucks worth of material that would fill an entire football field with two and half feet of stone.”

Protecting the shoreline is a high priority of LLA which has the funding for a portion of this project thus far, but needs additional funding to finish.

“Did you know that $100 helps LLA install one linear foot of riprap?” Short asked. “We truly can’t do it without the support of the community and our business sponsors and personal members. Please consider donating to LLA or Project Armor, which will greatly assist us with our efforts in this and other endeavors.” 

Phase One has funding for 12 of the 16 locations and five of them have been completed.

Phase Two involves achieving a goal of raising $150,000, which will fully fund the full scope of the project. Four of the 16 locations are currently not funded.

Anyone deciding to make a one-time donation, is asked to include “Project Armor” as the donation reason.

For more information about a donation or to make one, click here: Donate | Lake Lanier Association | Clean, Full and Safe

This phase of the project was launched in November. EARLIER STORY. POSTED NOV. 5, 2024: LLA re-launching Project Armor