
Leaves are at their peak this weekend in the higher elevations (3,000 feet-plus) in northeast Georgia, according to the Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC). And there may only be one week left for high elevation locations, weather permitting.

Views are still “spectacular” on overlooks and roadsides where you can peer out at the oaks, hickories, and black gum trees, with their yellow, oranges, and reds. However, Poplar, Beech, and Maple leaves are beginning to fade into the familiar brown color.

Below 3,000 feet, leaves are just now starting to show their colors. At this elevation, GFC says, you can fortunately expect to have several weeks to enjoy good viewing. However, poplars, sweetgum, and sycamores are beginning to fade.

Leaf watchers can expect good conditions next week in higher elevations and the next two weeks to be eventful in lower elevations.

(Picture: Lake Winfield Scott, Union County)