Lakeshore Mall redo on city council Tuesday agenda

The proposed redevelopment of Lakeshore Mall is on the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting of the Gainesville Mayor and City Council.

Branch Lakeshore Associates, LP is asking that the 49-acre site be rezoned from Regional Business (R-B) to Planned Unit Development (P-U-D). The city’s planning and appeals board last month recommended approval of the request.

EARLIER STORY. POSTED JAN. 15: The planned red-do of the Lakeshore Mall site got a “thumbs up” from the Gainesville Planning and Appeals Board Tuesday night. The city’s Community & Economic Develoopment Director, Rusty Ligon, confirmed the action Wednesday morning, saying the vote was 6-0 with one board member absent. The city council is scheduled to consider the planning group’s recommendation for approval at a meeting on Feb. 4. EARLIER STORIES: POSTED JAN. 7 Lakeshore redevelopment traffic study proposes road improvements POSTED DEC. 30: Lakeshore Mall redo plans: New details POSTED NOV. 24: Reaction to plans for Lakeshore Mall redo (Picture: Rendering of Lakeshore Mall plans)