The proposed redevelopment of Lakeshore Mall is on the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting of the Gainesville Mayor and City Council.
Branch Lakeshore Associates, LP is asking that the 49-acre site be rezoned from Regional Business (R-B) to Planned Unit Development (P-U-D). The city’s planning and appeals board last month recommended approval of the request.
EARLIER STORY. POSTED JAN. 15: The planned red-do of the Lakeshore Mall site got a “thumbs up” from the Gainesville Planning and Appeals Board Tuesday night. The city’s Community & Economic Develoopment Director, Rusty Ligon, confirmed the action Wednesday morning, saying the vote was 6-0 with one board member absent. The city council is scheduled to consider the planning group’s recommendation for approval at a meeting on Feb. 4. EARLIER STORIES: POSTED JAN. 7 Lakeshore redevelopment traffic study proposes road improvements POSTED DEC. 30: Lakeshore Mall redo plans: New details POSTED NOV. 24: Reaction to plans for Lakeshore Mall redo (Picture: Rendering of Lakeshore Mall plans)