Jackson EMC returns $15M to its members



“Approximately 235,000 current and former members of Jackson EMC will receive their share of a total of $15 million in margin refund checks in December.  

After this December’s refund, Jackson EMC will have refunded $204 million in margin refunds to its member-owners since the cooperative was founded in 1938. 

“Jackson EMC operates at cost, which means our primary focus is member service, not profits. Crossing the $200 million mark in returned margin refunds this year shows Jackson EMC’s long history of keeping the cooperative financially strong to deliver safe, reliable and affordable electricity for its members,” said Rodney Chandler, chairman of the Jackson EMC Board of Directors. 

Margins are refunded for a combination of years, so former, long-term and newer members benefit from belonging to an electric cooperative, like Jackson EMC. This year, margin refunds will go to those who received electric service from Jackson EMC in 1996, 1997, 1998 and/or 2022. The amount of each member’s refund check is based on the amount each member paid for electric service during those years. 

For more information, visit jacksonemc.com/marginrefunds.”