“FIRST LOOK (artist rendering) at inclusive playground #2We are so excited to finally share the design for the Sandra Deal Elementary School Inclusive Playground. The equipment is being ordered this week and the playground will be open THIS summer!
This playground was made possible by the partnership between Hope for Hall and Hall County Schools. Hope for Hall is rolling excess money we raised for the Wauka playground into the Sandra Deal Inclusive Playground and Hall County Schools is investing money into this playground. Hope for Hall was awarded a generous donation from Norfolk Southern to make this playground inclusive and we could not be more grateful for their partnership and support! We wanted to honor the generosity of Norfolk Southern by having a train themed piece and we are so happy with how it turned out!
Here is a list of the inclusive pieces we have on this playground:
- Accessible Whirl
- Rubber surfacing throughout 50% of playground
- Two accessible swings
- Inclusive zoomtrax zip-line
- Roller slide
- Musical maze
- Learning Braille and ASL panels
- Communication board
- Cozy Cocoon
- Eight sensory panels on/in the train…”