Among the more serious cases made by local law enforcement the past 48 hours or so, are these:
*A 43-year-old man, who was arrested early Saturday morning, is charged with several traffic law violations including hit-and-run, driving while being a habitual violator and DUI. Because he is also wanted in another unspecified county, he is being held without bond in the Hall County Jail.
*A 19-year-old was arrested Friday night on three traffic-related charges including fleeing or attempting to elude.
*In another drug trafficking/distribution case, a 29-year-old man is being held without bond on charges of trafficking or distribution of cocaine, marijuana, and meth.
*A 27-year-old woman was arrested Thursday on charges that include the sale of meth. No bond for her, either.
*Another Thursday arrest just now coming to light involves a 23-year-old man. He was arrested in the early afternoon on several traffic charges including too fast for conditions and serious injury by vehicle. He’s also in the Hall County Jail with no bond.
More information on each of these is not likely to be available until local law enforcement administrative offices open Monday following the weekend.