*High Fire Danger. The weather service says the alert covers north and central Georgia and is for Friday afternoon into the evening due to low relative humidities.
*Five athletic fields at Lumpkin County’s Yahoola Creek Park are getting $109,000 worth of repairs. The Dahlonega Nugget reports the request was recently approved by the county commission.
*An accidental death on a farm near Commerce is under investigation. An asphalt spreader reportedly fell on top of 30-year-old James Sanders while he was working on a leaking hydraulic line earlier this week. The Athens Banner-Herald reported yesterday that the property is owned by Jackson County coroner Keith Whitfield.
*Accidents in which a deer is struck by a car are not unusual. But here’s a related one with a new twist: The Hall County Sheriff’s Office reports that a driver had stopped to allow some deer in the roadway to get out of the way. But a second vehicle struck it from behind while it was stopped. The accident happened on McEver Road. There were no injuries.