Spending nearly four million dollars on equipment for Hall County Fire Rescue (HCFR) is among the items on the agenda for Monday’s county commission (HCBOC) work session. The spending is about equally divided between breathing apparatus and a new hook-and-ladder truck.
Commissioners will also consider rezoning a 14-acre site on Bogus Road near Claude Peck Road from Agricultural Residential IV (AR-IV) to Planned Residential Development (PRD). A 15-lot subdivision is planned for the property. This item was also on the commission’s Jan. 9 agenda but was tabled.
An item that was tabled January 23 is on Monday’s agenda as well. That’s a rezoning request for 74 acres on Ridge Road at Friendship Road. The applicant is requesting a zoning classification of PCD (Planned Commercial Development). The tract is now zoned Planned Residential Development (PRD) and Suburban Shopping (S-S). A mixed-use development consisting of a 110-room hotel, 16,000 square feet of “food and beverage” space, 265 apartments, 212 townhouses and 74 single-family homes is planned for the site, according to documents on file with the state Department of Community Affairs. DRI Application Summary
These items will be up for a final vote at Thursday’s county commission meeting. That’s also when the commission will hold the first of three scheduled public hearings on plans to opt out of that new state tax reform law – HB 581.
Public Works and Utilities