Gville woman appeals murder conviction in death of boyfriend

A 43-year-old Gainesville woman is appealing her 2023 convictions in Hall County of her 82-year-old boyfriend, Leroy Kramer, whose body remained in the house they shared for months after he died.

Tabitha Wood’s sole defense at her trial was self-defense in conjunction with battered person
syndrome. After being convicted by a jury, Wood was sentenced to life in prison with the
possibility of parole.

In her appeal, Wood argues that the trial court erred in prohibiting her from presenting
testimony from witnesses, including three of Kramer’s previous romantic partners, concerning
Kramer’s alleged previous bad acts.

The Georgia Supreme Court is scheduled to hear her case Tuesday.

Click here to read the full court filing by her defense attorney: S24A1063 – APPELLANT – Brief of Appellant.pdf (gasupreme.us)