Gville planning staff recommending approval of 18-unit Midtown condo complex

The planning staff for the city of Gainesville is recommending, with conditions, approval of plans to construct an 18-unit condominium complex near the Midland Greenway, which the Gainesville Planning & Appeals Board is to consider when it meets Tuesday.

The applicant is Raven Residential Group, LLC. Raven is the same group that got city council approval in May to build eleven two-story condominiums on a one-acre tract on Washington Street near Academy.

“The applicant is proposing to vary the Midtown Overlay Zone requirements to increase the
number of residential units allowed from 9 dwelling units…to 18 dwelling units,” according to planning documents. “In addition, the applicant is proposing to vary the number of parking spaces required
from 36 to 24 spaces.”

The proposed Trailside Cottages detached condominiums would consist of a mixture of two- and three-
story units including four 500-square-foot (sf) units, eight 886-sf units and six 1,170-sf units.

Access is proposed from Grove Street and 24 onsite parking spaces are planned. Amenities are to include a grilling station, green space and a pedestrian walkway that will provide access to the
Midland Greenway.

Planning staff’s recommended conditions.

  1. The development shall be substantially consistent with the site plan and architectural
    renderings submitted with this application and shall be subject to the approval of the
    Community & Economic Development Director. In addition, all roof structures shall be
    constructed with architectural shingles, and the front and sides of each condominium
    unit shall be constructed with a minimum 3-foot-high watermark of brick or stone.
  2. The frontage landscape area along Grove Street shall be maintained and sodded with
    grass and shall include a minimum of two 3-inch caliper size deciduous trees subject
    to the approval of the Community & Economic Development Director.
  3. A mandatory Homeowners Association (HOA) shall be required for the proposed
    development providing for the financial management, architectural controls,
    enforcement of community standards and management of all common areas. The Board will be established and operated by the developer until such time the powers are transferred to the HOA(s).
  4. A covenant shall be required to be recorded for the proposed development stating that no more than four (4) of the total residential units may be rented.
  5. All access point design for the subject property shall be submitted for review by the
    Gainesville Public Works Director, and approval of said design shall be required prior
    to issuance of a building permit. All required access/traffic/sidewalk improvements
    associated with the proposed development shall be at the full expense of the
    developer/property owner.
  6. An updated as-built boundary survey/plat of the subject property, indicating all
    improvements required for the proposed use, shall be recorded prior to obtaining a
    Certificate of Occupancy for the last condominium unit.