*Georgia Democrats agonize over Pres. Biden’s reelection chances in Georgia even though he won the primary with 95%. There’s no down-ballot statewide race to generate turnout. Former Democratic Congresswoman Carolyn Bourdeaux thinks Biden may focus on the Midwest more than Georgia’s diverse electorate.
*A study by the AJC finds at least 1 in 7 of Georgia’s 159 counties have trouble receiving and/or replying to email requests for open records. Georgia’s “Sunshine Law” names email as a valid way to request records. The newspaper asked all 159 counties for their latest county council minutes. 135 counties complied; the AJC got no response from 24 counties.
*No Georgia team is included in the men’s and women’s NCAA college basketball playoff brackets this year. The fields for each were announced Sunday night. The UGA men, however, did get an NIT invite – and will play their first game Tuesday night.
*The Georgia General Assembly is heading into the “home stretch” this week with just five days left in this year’s session.
*Five UGA students are being applauded for helping several people after a wreck. The sheriff’s office in Burke County says the group jumped into a creek when a car plunged into the water last week. They helped pull the driver and two kids out of the water to safety. A Facebook post said their quick thinking and bravery were “admirable.”
(Georgia News Network contributed this story.)