Ga. 400 toll lanes, Ga. 9 widening back on drawing board

Plans for 16 miles of toll lanes on Georgia 400 in Fulton and Forsyth counties are back on track as is the widening of Georgia 9 in Forsyth.

The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) is analyzing proposals for the toll lane project which was first considered a few years ago, but it was shelved because it was over budget. The new proposals came in last week and will be analyzed before a recommendation is made over the summer, according to a GDOT spokeswoman Elizabeth Johnson.  

Johnson also says the widening of Georgia 9 in Forsyth County has been approved by the GDOT board. C.W. Matthew was awarded a $44,6 million contract to widen and reconstruct three miles of the road “beginning north of Georgia 141 and extending north of Georgia 20.”