FBCC pay hike possible

A pay increase will be on the table for the Flowery Branch City Council (FBCC) and Mayor when they meet Thursday night.

What’s actually being proposed is an increase in the amount each council member and the mayor are paid for each meeting they attend – meetings officially representing the city. Each is now getting $50 per month. The proposed ordinance would double that for up to eight meetings a month.

“After much research of area local governments, it is apparent that Flowery Branch’s per diem is well below the average for others which is $100 – $150 per meeting,” the ordinance reads. “The base salaries will remain the same, which are $9,000 annually for the mayor and $7,200 annually for each council member.”


“HISTORY: On 8/15/2023, the council adopted Ordinance 477 allowing for the current per diem
which is $50 per diem for the Mayor and Councilmembers attending meetings officially
representing the City of Flowery Branch, not to exceed five (5) meetings per month. If the Mayor
and Council all requested this amount monthly (many do not), the maximum annual amount of the
expense would be $18,000.

FACTS AND ISSUES: After much research of area local governments, it is apparent that Flowery
Branch’s per diem is well below the average for others which is $100 – $150 per meeting. The base
salaries will remain the same, which are $9,000 annually for the mayor and $7,200 annually for each
council member.
This proposed amendment to the charter would allow for increasing Flowery Branch’s per diem per
meeting to $100 per meeting for up to eight (8) meetings per month. This would be an annual increase
to the budget of up to $39,600.
In comparison to the City of Gainesville’s recent increase, the Mayor of Gainesville can attend up to
216 meetings per year (18 meetings per month) at a per diem rate of $150 per meeting (adopted by
Gainesville’s City Council in 2015) which equates to a maximum allowable annual per diem of
reimbursement of $32,400. Council members from Gainesville can attend up to 192 meetings per year
(16 meetings per month) at a per diem rate of $150 per meeting which equates to a maximum allowable
annual per diem reimbursement of $28,800 each. Flowery Branch’s elected officials attend many of
the same meetings and, if this amendment passes, will be able to be reimbursed up to $9,600 each
annually or a total expense to the City of Flowery Branch of $57,600 if the mayor and each council
member requested the maximum amount throughout the year.

If this ordinance passes, the effective date would be January 1, 2026″