Deal, others target efforts to make people distrust elections

An effort is underway to keep false claims about Georgia elections from spreading.

A bipartisan initiative through the Democracy Defense Project was introduced on Tuesday by former Republican Governor Nathan Deal.

Deal said they wouldn’t stand by while the spread of misinformation and dangerous political agendas damage the country.  

“For far too long, politicians, pundits and activists have worked overtime to sow distrust in American’s electoral process,” Deal said in a statement. “We refuse to sit on the sidelines while the bedrock of this great nation is eroded away by misinformation and dangerous political agendas. Our goal is to restore confidence in the electoral process that makes this country exceptional.”

You can read more about the Democracy Defense Project, which is taking root in other states, here: Former Georgia officials say they’re teaming up to defend the legitimacy of elections – SRN News

(Georgia News Network also contributed to this story.)