Cumming getting $6M loan from state for sewer line installaltion

Fourteen Georgia communities – including Cumming – and The Nature Conservancy were recently awarded financing totaling $112.6 million for water, sewer, wastewater, and land conservation projects by the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) board of directors.

Cumming will use the $6.4 million it is getting to finance the installation of a gravity sewer main in areas currently served by septic systems. The project will reduce nonpoint source pollution from failing septic tanks, according to GEFA. The city will pay 1.90% on the 20-year loan. The loan qualifies for a reduced interest rate because Cumming is a WaterFirst Community.

You can find out who the other recipients of loans are and their plans for their funds here; Georgia communities receive infrastructure loans totaling $112.7 million | Georgia Environmental Finance Authority