An annual crackdown on sex offenders in Georgia this year led to the arrests of 44 offenders and the issuing of 234 warrants for violations of state sexual offender registration laws. In Hall County, in an operation conducted Halloween night, seven sex offenders were arrested for being in violation of their probation sentences and/or parole certificates. Here you can view the names, last known addresses, and other information on each registered offender in Hall County: Georgia Sex Offender Registry (
Seventy-three Georgia sheriffs were involved in this year’s Operation Watchful Eye Oct. 30-Nov. 6. The crackdown, always conducted around Halloween, was begun in 2015.
Georgia sheriffs are mandated by law to register sex offenders and to keep the public informed of where registered sex offenders reside, work and attend school. Throughout the year, each sheriff’s office verifies addresses provided by registered sex offenders. While conducting residence verifications, deputies also make sure additional registration requirements are being adhered to. They are sometimes assisted by U.S. Marshals, U.S. Probation officers and Department of Community Supervision probation/parole officers.
Preliminary reporting this year by the 73 participating sheriff’s offices reveals 12,092 registered sex offenders, 466 predators and 552 homeless sex offenders are currently living in their counties. During the one-week operation, 9,232 residence verifications were conducted, 61 new sex offenders moved into the reporting counties, 189 warrants were issued for residency violations of the sex offender registry, 15 new warrants were issued for violations of the sex offender registry law (other than residency violations), 3 warrants were issued for new sex offenses and 27 warrants were issued for other miscellaneous new charges. In addition, it was discovered that 577 sex offenders had moved from their last known address and their whereabouts are unknown.
Known addresses of registered sex offenders in Georgia are available on each sheriff’s website or the GBI’s Sex Offender Registry