Child porn, prostitution, racing, shoplifting arrests top Sun. police blotter

The Hall County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) reported another prostitution arrest Saturday. The 55-year-old woman was being held in the county jail on $1,300 bond Sunday morning. She along with two other women, whose arrests we reported Saturday, were taken into custody at the same location. EARLIER STORY: Prostitution, pandering, rape highlight local Sat. police blotter 97.5 Glory FM | North Georgia’s Family Radio Station (

Also apparently arrested at the same location was a 49-year-old man who is charged with Computer Pornography and Child Exploitation. He was being held without bond Sunday morning.

The racing arrests occurred Saturday night on Athens Highway. A 21-year-old man and a 25-year-old were in jail in lieu of $390 bond each Sunday morning. One was arrested near Gillsville Highway and the other near Roy Parks Road. The arrests occurred about 11:00.

The shoplifting suspect, a 27-year-old man, was booked early Saturday. He’s facing 17 counts of shoplifting. He’s also charged with Possession and Use of Drug-Related Objects. There are a couple of traffic-related charges, as well. He was still in jail as for Sunday morning. Bond has been set at $12,610.

Other information on each of these cases is not likely to be released until the sheriff’s office administrative offices reopen Monday after the weekend.