Changes coming to Hall Co. building permitting process

Effective March 31, residential building permits in Hall County will require review by Environmental Health before submitting a building permit application.

Previously, developers and residents applying for building permits for new construction, additions, or renovations submitted their applications in person or through Accela to Hall County Building Inspections to begin the process. However, most properties with septic systems require additional review from Environmental Health, a division of the state Department of Public Health. Beginning March 31, where required, Environmental Health documentation will need to be submitted with the building permit application.

This change aligns Hall County’s permitting process with the rest of the state and ensures that applicants understand all steps in the process upfront, county officials said Wednesday.

For questions about Environmental Health or whether a permit requires review, call 770-531-3973.

For questions about the permitting process or required documents for a building permit, contact Building Inspections at 770-531-6809.