Buford prison inmate charged with building bombs

A man serving a life term at Phillips State Prison in Buford has been indicted on several federal charges for constructing and mailing bombs to federal facilities, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Georgia.

David Cassady, 55, is charged with Making an Unregistered Destructive Device; two counts of Mailing a Destructive Device; and two counts of Attempted Malicious Use of an Explosive, said Jill E. Steinberg, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Georgia.

As described in the indictment returned by the April session of the Grand Jury in the Southern District of Georgia, Cassady was an inmate in the now-closed Georgia State Prison in Reidsville, when he constructed destructive devices and mailed two of them to the Federal Courthouse and Federal Building in Anchorage, Alaska, and to a federal facility in Washington, D.C.

The indictment alleges the bombs were sent in an attempt “to maliciously damage or destroy, by means of fire or explosive, a building in whole or in part owned or possessed by, or leased to, the United States,” and “created substantial risk of injury to a person.”