Brenau honors President Emeritus Schrader; HCSO has no comment on ruling on firing of employee

*President Emeritus Ed L. Schrader, who led Brenau University from 2005-19, was honored by Brenau’s Ernest Ledford Grindle Athletics Department at halftime of a recent basketball game. During a ceremony at the center of the Ed L. Schrader Court, Athletic Director Michael Lochstampfor presented Schrader and his wife, Myra, with gifts in honor of last year’s naming of the Schrader Athletic Center.

*The Hall County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) is not comment on a ruling by a hearing officer upholding the firing of a then-Lt. Jane Young last year. Young had alleged that she had been sexually harassed by a superior and then was terminated after an internal investigation. A statement issued Monday afternoon by the sheriff’s office said “The Sheriff’s Office will have no comment, letting the hearing officer’s determination to stand as presented.”