Average wintertime Gville temp one degree above normal

Winter 2024-2025 was 1.1 degree above normal in Gainesville, according to the National Weather Service (NWS). The agency recently released its Winter 2024-2025 Climate Summary.

It shows that Gainesville’s average daily temperature for December-February was second only to Atlanta among the nine reporting stations in the area served by the NWS Peachtree City office. Atlanta was 2.1 degrees above normal. Gainesville’s average daily reading was 44.7 degrees; Atlanta’s was 47.4.

The warmest day of the three months in Gainesville was February 4, when the high was 77. The coldest was January 22 when the low was 15.

Precipitation? Gainesville recorded 12.84 inches December-February, 1.56 inches below normal. Macon led the group of reporting stations with a 4.56-inch deficit.

The Gainesville readings are recorded at Lee Gilmer Memorial Airport.

Click here to read the full report: Winter 2024-25 Climate Summary

Cities and towns not covered by the Peachtree City office are covered by weather service offices in Jacksonville and Tallahassee, Florida.

Nationally, temperatures ranged from near normal to around 1 degree below normal, according to the nationwide 2024-2025 Climate Summary.

“We started the winter with a warmer than normal December, which was then followed by a colder than normal January, and we finished with a near to slightly below normal February,” the document reads. “None of the months finished in the top 10 warmest or coldest though. February saw the greatest temperature swings from single digits and below zero readings mid-month to 70s early and late in the month. 70-75-degree swings were common in many communities.

“Precipitation finished wetter than normal across essentially the entire area.”

That full document is available here:

Winter 2024-2025 Climate Summary