Agendas: FBCC retreat, OCC meeting

*It’s that time of the year when governmental bodies such as city councils and county commissions hold their annual retreats – brainstorming sessions at which they and city or county officials delve into issues facing their communities and how they might address them in the new year. These are get-togethers at which no official action can be taken. To that end, the Flowery Branch City Council will meet Saturday at the Georgia Mountains Regional Commission (GMRC) offices in Gainesville. The only item is for a “discussion of various general topics…and potentially updating the City’s comprehensive plan and City code.”

*Meanwhile, the Oakwood City Council’s first regular meeting of the new year will be held Monday at City Hall. Items on the agenda include consideration of an application to the Georgia Department of Transportation for funding for some street work. The council starts the new year one member short. Councilman Dwight Wood, who had planned to run for re-election last November and was unopposed, died a few weeks before the election. A special election will be held March 12 to fill the post. Click here to read the full agenda: ‘RCCM’ Agenda Show (