Gville: Marginal increase in unemployment rate

Gainesville recorded an unemployment rate of 2.7 percent in October, up one-tenth of a percent over-the- month. A year ago, the rate was 2.5 percent.

The labor force in Gainesville increased by 489 and ended the month with 110,579, an all-time high. That number went up by 2,798 when compared to October of 2022. The city finished the month with 107,616 employed residents, an all-time high. That number increased by 377 over-the-month and rose by 2,568 when compared to the same time a year ago. October ended with 105,900 jobs, an all-time high, up by 1,700 from September to October and rose by 3,400 when compared to this time last year.

The Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) also reported Thursday that the jobless rate in the 13-county Georgia Mountains Region, which includes Gainesville, was up one-tenth to 2.9 percent over-the-month; the rate was 2.8 percent one year ago.