Hall Chief Tax Appraiser asked to resign

Hall County’s Chief Tax Appraiser, Steve Watson, has been asked to resign by County Commissioner Greg Poole and former Commission Chairman Richard Higgins.

The pair wrote a two-page letter asking for Watson (pictured) to step down.

“I am writing to ask for your resignation from the office of Hall County Chief Tax Appraiser,” the letter begins. “After multiple complaints from citizens and obvious failures of the Hall County Tax Appraiser Department, I have come to this conclusion. I feel there is no trust or respect from our voters in your department. This must star at the top and, in my judgement is a direct reflection of leadership or lack thereof.”

Gibbs and Higgins specifically cite last year’s incident in which more than 1,000 incorrect tax bills were mailed to property owners. The letter then goes on to list three specific areas of concern: customer service, ability/accountability, and unity of government services.

“I do not do this without hesitation and knowing I will get some push back due to a lot of wins in your tenure with Hall County.”