A woman recently reported to the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office Sheriff’s Office (FCSO) that she had received a call that there was a warrant for her arrest for missing a jury summons.
The caller, she said, identified herself as a Sgt. Walmack with the Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Office. The woman told her that she was required to pay $6,100 or that she would go to jail, the kind of scam that law enforcement in the area repeatedly warn is making the rounds. That’s not the way things are done.
“Unfortunately, our victim went to a prearranged location and met with a dubious female,” the sheriff’s office reports. “The (money) was turned over to the female in lieu of the (fictious) arrest warrant.
“The victim quick-wittedly was able to get some strong investigative leads for our detectives,” and the scammer was soon in handcuffs, arrested at her place of employment.
Ms. (no first name given) Rollins was taken into custody and interviewed. “It seems that she was in cahoots with her boyfriend…who is in prison. The boyfriend and (a cellmate) set up the victims (of their scams).”
“Ms Rollins picks up the cash. She then puts some (money) on her boyfriend’s (prison) commissary (account).”