NGMC performs first adolescent weight-loss surgery

People as young as 15 who are struggling with obesity even after following a medical weight loss program now have a new option to help them improve their health. The Bariatric Weight Loss Center at Northeast Georgia Medical Center (NGMC) recently completed its first adolescent weight-loss surgery. 

Adolescent patients in northeast Georgia have had access to a weight-loss program at NGMC since July 2023, when the hospital achieved adolescent surgery accreditation from the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP).

“Many of our patients achieve success through weight-loss medications, but, for other patients, weight-loss surgery is ideal,” said Robert Richard, MD, medical director for the Bariatric Weight Loss Center at NGMC and a bariatric surgeon with Longstreet Clinic. “Anadolescent patient’s journey to surgery often takes longer than it would for an adult patient. We take extra care to ensure our younger patients, and their families, are well-prepared for surgery and committed to lifestyle changes.”

Adolescent weight-loss patients must commit to monthly appointments with a pediatrician, pediatric psychologist, registered dietitian and certified personal trainer for at least six months prior to surgery. Following surgery, patients have access to an aftercare program that includes monthly support groups. Surgical weight-loss options are available for patients ages 15 and older and medical weight-loss options are available for patients ages 12 and older. 

“The real key for parents is to act quickly when they realize their child is struggling with the disease of obesity,” said Dr. Richard. “Research shows us that early intervention is more likely to improve long-term health.”