Forsyth high school football player dies

A Forsyth County football player has died ten days after suffering a “life-threatening emergency” at Denmark High School, according to a GoFund account set up for him.

Finley Kruchten, a 17-year-old senior offensive and defensive line player, was taken to two different hospitals – Northside Forsyth Hospital and Northside Gwinnett Hospital – after he went into cardiac arrest from a massive pulmonary embolism.

“Finley, who we love so dearly, has passed as a result of a total loss of brain function,” Lindsay French, a family friend, said in a statement.

“Finley has always been a helper. He was kind to everyone. We know Finley would want to help as many people as possible, so we are working with LifeLink on the process and timeline for organ donation, so Finley can continue to bless others. We will update when we have more information in Finley’s celebration of life,” his mother Veronica wrote on the family’s Caring Bridge page.

“We have been blessed with the most wonderful children and I am forever grateful that I have the privilege of being their mom. Remember to honor Finley by moving forward with Love,” she added.