Barrow Co. school shooting: Talking to your kids about it

(GEORGIA NEWS NETWORK) – Feelings of fear, anxiety, and sadness could be affecting you or your child in the wake of the mass shooting at Apalachee High School in Winder. A mental health professional has some suggestions on what you caN do to help your children work through such feelings.

Ashleigh Silas is vice president of Mental Health and Wellness for CHRIS 180, a mental health resource for children and families. She tells Atlanta News First feelings of fear after a tragic event like a mass shooting are normal.

Silas adds talking with your children is the best thing to do in situations like this

She also says validating feelings, making sure they have correct information, and expressing your own feelings are key to coping with tragedy. 

Silas says children can text their Crisis Text Line at 741741 to connect for free with a volunteer crisis counselor at any time.

(Picture courtesy SRN NEWS/AP)

More on this story can be found here: How to talk with kids about school shootings and other traumatic events – SRN News

Silas says children can text their Crisis Text Line at 741741 to connect for free with a volunteer crisis counselor at any time.