GHCC launches search for new President & CEO

The Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce has initiated a search for a replacement for retiring President and CEO Kit Dunlap.

The Chason Group (TCG) has been retained to assist the Chamber with the search. greater_hall_chamber_of_commerce_president-ceo_position_announcement_final_approved.pdf (

Dunlap, who has served as President and CEO for more than 26 years announced her plans to step down earlier this year.

“The Board of Directors is seeking a strong visionary to take the reins and build upon the successes gained during Dunlap’s tenure,” according to a statement from the board.

Initial response from applicants is due shortly after Labor Day.

“The most qualified candidates will receive a detailed application to determine if an interview is required. The deadline for submitting the initial materials is September 6, 2024. Candidates will be reviewed by TCG
utilizing a weighting scale approved by the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce Search Committee.”