*A police chase that began in South Carolina ended in a Lavonia, Georgia, cemetery Tuesday with the arrest of a South Carolina woman but not before several graves had been damaged.
*A Georgia lawmaker is proposing to get rid of school zone speeding cameras. Republican Clay Pirkle says he’s been getting complaints from constituents in south Georgia who are receiving tickets for speeding in school zones when they’re not supposed to be active. Gwinnett Democrat Dewey McClain has heard some of the same complaints. This bill would eliminate cameras and replace them with actual officers posted inside the zones.
*Syphilis cases are on a drastic rise in Georgia and across the U.S. The state Department of Public Health reports infections have jumped 200 percent since 2012, with nearly 2,200 confirmed two years ago. The CDC said last week the rate nationwide was even higher between 2016 and 2022. One CDC spokeswoman told the AJC that poverty and a lack of resources has contributed to the increase.
(Georgia News Network contributed to this story.)