123-lot subdivision proposed for Chestnut Mtn. area

A 123-lot subdivision is planned on a 62-acre site in Chestnut Mountain.

Crawford Creek Communities is scheduled to go before the Hall County Planning Commission (HCPC) March 17 to seek a rezoning for the tract, located on Union Church Road at Old Mulberry Road. It is now zoned Agricultural-Residential One (AR-1) but the would-be developers are seeking a Planned Residential Development (P-R-D) classification for it.

A much small residential development is in the works for Bethel Road near Clark Road. Janet Truelove wants to put a five-lot subdivision on 15 acres which she wants rezoned from P-R-D to A-R-1.

Also on the agenda that night is a request to rezone eight acres on Thompson Bridge Road near Seminole Drive from Residential-One (R-1) to Vacation Cottage (V-C). Abigail Burel plans to use the site for an unspecified “non-profit residential development.”