Law leaving Good News

After more than ten years as Ministry Pastor at Good News, Fletcher Law is leaving the post.


“This August, I initiated a talk with our director, Ken Gossage, who I have enjoyed working with very much, that I was given the opportunity to work with the area Global Methodist Church and become a candidate for some Northeast Georgia churches. I told Ken that I would strongly want to pursue that. This is after eleven years of being blessed to be the ministry pastor for Good News At Noon, and for our church for the ministry residents and neighborhood, Good News Church.

Ken and I talked about how for the benefit of those in the programs of our ministry, it is best to shift our Sunday service to the evenings to more informally provide a service that speaks more to the people as they are led in coming to know Jesus and becoming more like Jesus, as the goal in their possible evangelism, and their discipleship. We want transformation in all areas of their lives.

Also, our ministry is awesome. Real people come with real problems. They need to see a hopeful world. This can happen at the local church, By our people going to our great local churches, it can be a catalyst for personal growth. Our people will be spiritually fed there. We want them to become part of a church home and be discipled and have their spirits raised with a weekly fresh experience away from the shelter.

As we go into this new program I am resigning with humble gratefulness and appreciation for the Good News family.
After eleven years we need new ways and new people to lead this ministry and programs, yet with the same historic Gospel purpose to Lift Jesus Up.

So we decided it felt right to have Ken and Steve start a transition this Sunday of how the program will be led with a new minister to lead in the future.

Thanks to the whole Good News family.
I especially want to thank Ruth Allen, Andy Collins and Elizabeth Chappelle for serving our people on Sunday mornings. They are invited to keep going and join with the new service on Sunday if they feel led to do so.

I will always love and support this ministry. and the people of Good News.

Pastor Fletcher Law”